Monday, April 21, 2014

Leacock Museum, Orillia

This is the museum shop. I was told it was built later.
 This is where Stephen Leacock did his writing. 
His house is under construction.

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Beautiful Orillia

Creighton Manor B & B 

 The very nice host and hostess of Creighton Manor B & B and I.


A sunset on Lake Simcoe in front of the B & B. It was quiet and serene sitting at that lonely bench and taking all that beautiful sunset in. 

Morning walk on the shorelines of Lake Simcoe 

Monday, February 24, 2014

Made of Garbage

Fashion Made of Garbage - Exhibit at the Biosphere Environmental Museum in Montreal, St. Helen to be exact. Check out the rest of the pictures at my other blogs: Architectonic Toronto and Archimpression.  

Photos by Mahtot